East Coast
- Instructions for Grape Petiole Sampling in Virginia, Virginia Tech Extension
- The Fundamentals of Grapevine Tissue Sampling for Nutrient Analysis, Penn State Extension
- Vine Nutrition & Soils – Finger Lakes Region, Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Vine Nutrition & Soils – Lake Erie Region, Cornell Cooperative Extension
- Grapevine Tissue Test Nutrient Guidelines (interpretation table), Penn State
- Collecting Grape Petioles for Tissue Analysis, Iowa State Extension
- Foliar Testing for Assessing Vineyard Nutrition, Michigan State University Extension
- Grapevine Nutrient Management: Petiole Sampling and Analysis, Ohio State University Extension
- Orchard and Vineyard Soil Testing, University of Missouri Extension
- Soil Sampling Vineyards and Guidelines for Interpreting the Soil Test Results, Michigan State University Extension
- Tissue and Soil Nutrient Testing for Cold Climate Grapes, University of Minnesota Extension
- Soil and Plant Tissue Sampling in Vineyards, University of Georgia Extension
West Coast
- California Fertilization Guidelines for Grapevines, a comprehensive and interactive resource for California growers, UC Davis and CDFA
- Grapevine Nutrition, an interactive module for understanding grape nutrition, Oregon State University Extension
- Nutrition and Soils, a comprehensive resource by Washington State University Extension
- Monitoring Vineyard Nutrition, Oregon State University Extension
- Interpretation of tissue nutrient test results, Oregon State University Extension
- Soil Test Interpretation Guide, Oregon State University Extension
Precision Agriculture Resources & Tools
Efficient Vineyard Project
The research team of this federally-funded project developed the MyEV Tool, a free app for mapping vineyard data. Learn more about the project and the MyEV Tool here and refer to resources listed below.
- Part 1: Learn MyEV Webinar
- Part 2: Learn MyEV: Developing Maps & Integrating Data Webinar
- Part 3: Learn MyEV: How to Map Small to Large Plot Vineyard Research
- Tutorials on MyEV
- MyEV Workshop – step-by-step instructions and sample data set